
    LLC BIOCENTER is one of the leading companies which manufactures and distributes animal health and biotechnological production in Russia and in other post-soviet states. 


    Biocenter provides consulting services on issues of veterinary, microbiology, virology, immunology. High-class specialists of diverse backgrounds work in the company.  


    As manufacturer LLC Biocenter has great experience of conservation and transportation of immunobiological medications. While delivering its medications Biocenter rigorously follows directives on cold chain delivery. This attachment to the highest levels of quality of medications is appreciated by consumers.






1989 – creation of Biological center for animal health protection of Russian society for environment protection


1991 – registration of LLP Biocenter – cessionary of Biological center on animal health protection of All-Russian society on environmental protection.


1992 – registration of LLC BIocenter


1994 – patent on EMP vaccine (against carnivores’ distemper)


1996 –  patent on Set of eritrocite diagnosticums to evaluate antibodies to distemper of carivores in reaction of indirect gematoglutination


1998  –  patent on vaccines: 

 "Bionor" -  vaccine against distemper, parvovirus enteritis, botulism and peudomonosis of minks

"Biovac" - vaccine against distemper of carnivores, parvovirus enteritis, infectious hepatitis, adenovirosis, leptospirosis of dogs


2000  – registration of "Biovac" in Ukraine


2001 – Diploma and golden medal of All-Russia Exhibition center for introduction of "Biovac" and "Bionor" into veterinarian practice


2002 – registration of "Biovac" vaccine in Kyrgyz Rupublic


2003 – entry in Russion Union of Fur Breeders as organization which ensure the epizootic welfare of fur breeding industry


2004 – registration of "Biovac" vaccine in the Republic of Belarus


2005 – registration of "Bionor" vaccine in Ukraine


2005 –  signing of distributor agreement with Merial SAS (France) on distribution in Russia of vaccines and medicines for small pets


2007 – creation of call centre providing phone consulting services, help to farmers to fight epizooty 


2008 – Diploma and Golden medal of All-Russian agroindustrial week "Golden autumn"


2009 – signing of distributor agreement with Merial SAS (France) on distribution in Russia of vaccines and medicines for productive animals


2010 – entry in National association of fur breeders


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  Москва, ул. Владимирская 1-я, 34, корп.3, , 
   (495) 742-84-40
   (495) 742-84-41
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